Jen's Blog (creative, huh?)

Hi I'm Jen. I'm a children's book illustrator living in Southern California. This is my blog!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Illustration Friday: Obsession

This weeks topic on Illustration Friday is "obsession", which is appropriate for this illustration since I've been obsessed with it for the last week and just finished it this morning.  It was really hard for me to do such toned down colors.  I'm not totally sure how I feel about it, I think it still needs some tweaking.  I'm definitely open to some advice and or criticisms.

Can you find Max the dragon?  Can you name that palace (I changed a few things, but it's pretty close to what it actually looks like)?


Anonymous said...

Can't offer much advice and I'm by no stretch of the imagination an expert, but I really like this! Think the muted tones work well with the black lines over and the girl in red really stands out, makes me want to read her story!

Valerie Lorimer said...

Wow! I think this is awesome. I love the muted tones. Perfect!

Kristyna litten said...

wow! I love how there is soo much going on.

psychopooch said...

The muted tones are just perfect. Enough to make the little girl pop. I even noticed Max the Dragon :) This is one of those piece I really wish I could see in person. I get the feeling seeing it on a small computer screen won't do it justice at all.

tricky said...

it's amazing. I wouldn't change a thing!
the colours are just perfect, pointilistic shading of the trees gives it additional soft texture, and with all those earthy tones, it's great that you made only the fantasy creature in a cold colour.
Great work!